The Latest and Greatest Projects

Deep Learning for Implementing Self-Driving Cars | UW-Stout Research Day 2022

A Student Research Grant funded project. This project aims to prove the feasability of self-driving cars in the future by prototyping a self-driving robot, and analyzing and possibly improving upon existing algorithms and how major companies are implementing self-driving cars. Currently working on, but recorded a demo and created a poster for UW-Stout's 2022 Research Day.

Picture of the homepage of all about phoenix

Welcome to Phoenix, Arizona!

The final project for my Web and Internet Programming class, I decided to make an interactive online brochure for Phoenix, AZ with descriptions on different tourist attractions and reasons to move there.

Car Rental Store Simulator

A C++ simple car rental store simulator, with three implementations: Doubly Linked List, NodeList, and Vector Based Binary Tree. Takes data from text file which allows for a dynamic program and allows user to reserve, return, and output cars to a new file. Assignment for Data Structures

Asteroid Mayhem

A Java based JavaFX arcade game where you control a spaceship to avoid as many asteroids as possible! Final project for Honors Computer Science 2

Social Distance Sensor

Though not specifically a coding project, this is my Impacts of Engineering semester project, in which I led a team of 4 to research and brainstorm solutions addressing social distancing for the COVID-19 pandemic. Though the code and wiring is slightly messy for an Arduino, it was my first time tinkering with it.

Online Retail Store Simulator

A C++ based simple online retail store simulator where the user can add and remove items from their cart, search the store by typing in what they want, and check out. Dynamically inputs objects from a text file for easy adding and removing items from store. Honors Computer Science 1 final project.

Golf Ball Simulator (Dynamics)

A golf swing simulator project done in powerpoint. We took three seperate clubs, and calculated how much force we would need to hit a golf ball to a desired distance. Assumptions: Air resistance is negligble, a golf club is a simple pendulum

Command Prompt PONG Game

A pong game created in C++. I had help from NVitanovic to create this game, and I mainly did this to experiment with interactive C++ games.